
Our Lord revealed in the New Testament something very simple to understand. This came from casting out demons from within a person, what our Lord did on many occasions. But the Pharisees said the Lord was casting demons out by an upper demon, and actually saying that He was not from God. Beside the point that this was a blasphemous remark, our Lord explained that in the understanding of this world: 

"A Kingdom that stands against itself shall not continue to exist". In other words it will destroy itself. So a demon is not cast out by another demon - then it would destroy it's own kingdom. No, the demon was cast out by an other Kingdom that is more powerful than the demon's kingdom. The Kingdom of God. The demons are afraid of God, which can be seen several times during Christ's ministry.

God invites man to become a member of the Kingdom of God, even after the fall of Adam and Eve, by renouncing evil. (Also called repentance, but more on that later). Evil in itself is self-destructive, and has no place in the Kingdom of God. 

Free will

Understand that those who still practice evil and have not repented will not enter the Kingdom of God. God's Kingdom is eternal, therefore, because God is Good and Holy, you must be as well in order for you to become a son or daughter of God. Otherwise if He lets the door open for evil, His Kingdom would stand against itself and it would eventually collapse. 

God gave everyone free will. But you start off in life as being of your father the devil. And that sounds harsh, but it is true. Because from the day when you are born, however innocent, your flesh has to be nurtured, and before any self awareness about the knowledge of evil emerges, you are already evil without knowing. Therefore, no man or woman, is good from themselves, because we are (or were) of our father the devil. The Bible teaches us that the flesh is opposed to God, because we are continually busy with pleasing the flesh. And without control, that can lead into a lot of evil directions. I hope you don't need as much examples of that... 

Your free will gives you the choice to choose for God, who is Holy, Good and Righteous, or the for the devil, who is a liar and murderer. The flesh calls for the devil. That is man's biggest problem. In the flesh hides much evil. But God is the solution.

For God there is no way you can sit in the middle between Him and the devil, and get a ticket to heaven. You either choose for God, or you don't. No one is able to make the choice for you. What in the early centuries happened when power-loving churches force their religion on other people, is actually a waste of time. No one can be saved by force. And it is evil as well. But that was not really their agenda, be because the agenda was evil, a lust for power.

Kingdoms of the world

The kingdoms of the world were given to the hands of the devil. And that it is why this world is self-destructive. It is all about money (greed), lust for power; this is why we see all the degradation. We eat poisoned foods, drink poisoned water, breath polluted air; why?  Mostly because of greed. Greed for products we want, greed for the money it brings, and we don't care of the consequences. And despite that some companies did do evil things without the knowledge of the governments, there are plenty of examples that governments knew about it.

All the governments are evil. And that is not difficult to understand, as most of them do not believe in God. And only God is Good. Otherwise they would take posture of decisions and regulations that align with God and align to a kingdom that stands not against itself. You tell me, if you know of such kingdom here on Earth today. So kingdoms on Earth are all heading to self-destruction. 

That being said. Whatever you think the world is now planning to do on "saving" the planet is actually totally futile. They do not bow down for the Creator, but now they bow down for the creation. And that will be the new religion, and it already is. A new demonic religion to impose over others, that you probably do not deserve to live, if you do not conform to the religion. Because according to them, you won't be saving the planet. What an excuse, to be more evil, than they already were. 

But this religion is now in disguise, because it will not be about saving the planet. As that is the plan of the anti-christ, the one that will become world leader and is under control of satan. The plan of satan will be that the world will see him as a savior. The one that "saves" the planet. But all he wants is to be like God. Satan wants to be worshipped like God, as he will be showing the world after 3,5 years of his reign. That is what this religion will be all about. And the world will go for it. That is the most sad part. Because this kingdom of satan, will be destroyed with everyone in it. Not only by itself, but also by the One who will return. The Lord Jesus Christ, Who will end all wickedness. 

The Choice

Nothing you have is yours, not anything you own materially, or your body or your soul or spirit. Everything is given in mercy. If God did not love us. He could have ended the world with the Flood (Noah). But He does love us, and He gave us a new chance. And that is also mercy. Your lifespan is mercy. But time is all you have to make that you can live in heaven for ever. And it is borrowed time. And you have no idea when that ends. 

God gives an open invitation to everyone who wants to join the Kingdom of Heaven, a Kingdom that is filled with joy, happiness and love. But you have to deny yourself - your flesh - to get there by repenting from your evil, your sins. Do away with sins, and God will adopt you in mercy, to His son or daughter, if you accept Jesus Christ our Lord, who died as a substitute for our sins. Who Himself was blameless and without sin. And who by being blameless may pardon us free from our sins for God the Father. By our faith in only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ will be counted as righteous before God the Father. 

This is why is said that Jesus Christ conquered death. He was Holy till the end. 

What happens?

Once you have chosen for Christ, then you will be changing. It is absolutely like taking the blue or red pill in the Matrix movie. You'll begin to see, what you have never seen before. And you'll be changing from the inside by the power of the Holy Ghost. We know this because it happened to us as well. The Holy Ghost is your best friend in this world, as He helps you to find answers and helps you to receive a new heart. Exactly as was written. 

That is also why the Bible cannot be read and interpreted by un-repented people. There eyes are not opened. They read what they want to read. 


Do not think that if you only believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, that you are saved. There are a lot of "believers" in this world who have not REPENTED. They still live in sin. Repentance is key for receiving salvation. In Jesus Christ I call out to you. Amen.